Nursing Features

The nurse practitioner profession is growing at a rapid pace. And with growth comes change. Today’s nurse practitioners are dealing with staff shortages in rural areas, changes in educational standards, and battles for wider practice authority in select states. What will tomorrow’s nurse practitioners be concerned with? Our interview-based features and in-depth resource guides uncover the stories behind the big issues by talking to nurse practitioners who know the subject best.

Why Nurse Practitioner is the #1 Job in the USA

July 18, 2024 – Sophia Khawly, MSN

According to US News & World Report, NPs rank #1 in the “100 Best Jobs of 2024.” There are many reasons why being an NP is a good career move. Now is a great time to be an NP. The job is fulfilling, offers a high salary, and is always in demand. NPs can also work in various settings and specialties and create a flexible work schedule.

Ask a Professor: Georgia’s NPs and the Fight for Full Practice Authority

May 24, 2024 – Matt Zbrog

As the Baby Boomers enter retirement, the nation is experiencing a worsening primary care crunch: more and more Americans need primary care services, but medical schools aren’t supplying enough primary care physicians to meet that need. The problem is particularly acute in Georgia, which ranks 41st in the nation for overall health.

Guide to Nurse Practitioner Fellowships & Residencies (2024-2025)

May 15, 2024 – Matt Zbrog

Often, the first few months out of school and in the workforce are the most difficult for a nurse practitioner, who in some settings may be expected to perform as many as 80 percent of the same duties a physician would. Fellowships and residencies smooth the transition, offering extra hands-on experience and allowing for further specialization.

Top Podcasts for Nurse Practitioners and Students

May 7, 2024 – Sophia Khawly, MSN

Podcasts have become very popular over the last two decades. They are digital audio programs consisting of a series of episodes. Subjects range from financial topics to reality shows to true crime series to lifestyle design and much more. Podcasts allow listeners to learn, consume information, or just for pure entertainment. People often listen to podcasts during work commutes or when exercising.

Ask a Professor: The Practice Environment in Nevada

April 26, 2024 – Matt Zbrog

America needs more primary care providers. With the nation’s largest generation advancing into old age, medical schools can’t graduate physicians quickly enough to meet the population’s increasingly complex needs. Fortunately, Nevada has a growing workforce of expertly-trained healthcare professionals who are well-equipped to help address the state’s unique needs: nurse practitioners.

Day in the Life of a Urologic Nurse Practitioner (NP)

April 23, 2024 – Matt Zbrog

Nurse practitioners (NPs) who specialize in urology focus on issues related to the upper and lower urinary tract system, which includes the kidneys, the ureters, the bladder, and the urethra. Urologic NPs may also treat conditions involving the reproductive system.

An NP’s Guide to the Latest Weight Loss Medications

April 15, 2024 – Sophia Khawly, MSN

It has been exciting for both patients and providers to have a new treatment option for obesity. The GLP-1 medications such as Semaglutide and Tirzepatide have proven to be effective in weight loss. However, just like any medication, side effects may occur.

Day in the Life of a Surgical Nurse Practitioner (NP)

April 12, 2024 – Matt Zbrog

Surgical NPs specialize in one or more aspects of surgical care. Often beginning their career with training as acute care nurse practitioners (ACNPs), their work environment typically exists within a hospital, but they can work anywhere there’s an operating room or clinic.

Ask a Professor: The NP Practice Environment in Kentucky

April 8, 2024 – Matt Zbrog

Medical schools aren’t graduating enough primary care physicians fast enough to match the growing demand for their services. But they also shouldn’t have to: Kentucky’s nurse practitioners (NPs) are a valuable resource in fighting back against the primary care crunch and increasing healthcare access to those who need it.

Ask a Professor: The NP Practice Environment in Indiana

February 20, 2024 – Matt Zbrog

Like many other states, Indiana desperately needs an influx of capable and cost-efficient primary care providers. But medical schools can’t graduate enough physicians to meet the need, and fewer physicians are going into primary care than ever before. NPs could be a significant part of the solution to Indiana’s healthcare shortages.