Nursing Features
The nurse practitioner profession is growing at a rapid pace. And with growth comes change. Today’s nurse practitioners are dealing with staff shortages in rural areas, changes in educational standards, and battles for wider practice authority in select states. What will tomorrow’s nurse practitioners be concerned with? Our interview-based features and in-depth resource guides uncover the stories behind the big issues by talking to nurse practitioners who know the subject best.
Ask a Professor: The Fight for Full Practice Authority by Pennsylvania’s NPs
October 19, 2020 – Matt ZbrogThose who suffer the worst from the primary care crisis are seniors, veterans, and residents of rural areas. In Pennsylvania, the state’s 15,000-plus nurse practitioners (NPs) could be part of the solution.
Ask a Professor: The Fight for Expanded Practice Authority for Ohio’s NPs
October 7, 2020 – Matt ZbrogMedical schools are not graduating enough primary care physicians to meet the needs of an aging population—and Ohio is not immune from the crisis.
The Importance of Culturally Competent Care: Needed Now More Than Ever
August 18, 2020 – Melissa DeCapua, DNPThis article provides an overview of health disparities in the United States, introduces the concept of culturally competent care, and encourages all nurses and nurse practitioners to continue to practice and support a better, more inclusive health system.
Ask a Professor: New York’s NPs and the Fight for Full Practice Authority
August 7, 2020 – Matt ZbrogNurse practitioners have been providing high-quality, cost-efficient care for nearly 50 years. In 2011, a systematic review of 37 studies found consistent evidence that cost-related outcomes for NP care were equivalent to those of physicians.
The Mental Health Implications of Covid-19
July 20, 2020 – Melissa DeCapua, DNPHealthcare providers are being overworked and carry the fear of being conduits for the virus. The rest of the American citizens in lockdown are feeling isolated, anxious, depressed, and stressed over the future. These things that we are feeling and thinking are going to have major implications in the future.
Innovations in Healthcare to Combat Covid-19: Telemedicine & Beyond
June 23, 2020 – Melissa DeCapua, DNPIn times of uncertainty, we rely on our ability to out-think the problem. The Covid-19 pandemic is no different, and it has spurred many creative healthcare innovations. All over the world, governments and people are working together to provide new forms of protection, preventative measures, and tools to fight Covid-19.
Ask a Professor: Supervisory Requirements for NPs in California
May 7, 2020 – Matt ZbrogThe problem is simple: there are not enough primary care physicians completing residency programs to replace the ones who are retiring. And the answer could be simple, too: over 58 percent of nurse practitioners (NPs) specialize in primary care. What’s standing in the way is a set of outdated supervisory requirements, which say physicians are required to sign off, approve, or validate certain treatments performed by nurse practitioners.
COVID-19 for Nurse Practitioners: The Good and The Bad
April 21, 2020 – Melissa DeCapua, DNPAs of April 20, COVID-19 has infected over 2.4 million people across the world and has caused unprecedented actions to be taken by many nations to flatten the curve. This novel strain of coronavirus has become one of the defining events of the 21st century—and we will be seeing the effects long after it’s gone.
Nursing Shortages in NYC: Interview with an Expert
April 7, 2020 – Matt ZbrogIn spring of 2019, nurses in New York said they’d had enough. Some were working with up to 18 patients at once, and the overload was causing safety issues for those receiving care as well as those providing it.
Cannabis in Healthcare: Interview with an NP in California
April 5, 2020 – Matt ZbrogThe American Association of Nurse Practitioners (AANP) recognizes the evidence and the therapeutic value of medical cannabis, and supports nurse practitioners in speaking about it with their patients. But in some states, NPs can still be prosecuted (either criminally or professionally) for prescribing it.